Say goodbye to fine lines and coarse wrinkles. The Phoenix CO2 Laser System corrects uneven pigmentation and reduces fine lines and coarse wrinkles.

This is the hottest (literally) CO2 laser on the market right now, and what makes it so unique, is that results are expected to be achieved with just one treatment.

Similar to other facial rejuvenation treatments, the CO2 laser causes an injury to the skin, which the body will respond by generating collagen. This treatment also breaks down pigment to brighten the complexion and provides a full texturization to the skin.

Contact our local Richmond office and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you. You can also schedule your first treatment or schedule a consult using the button below.

a woman is happy and confortable during her co2 laser resurfacing appointment

What areas can you treat?

The Phoenix specializes in facial rejuvenation, as well as signature hand rejuvenation. Don't sleep on your hands! They can often be left out of skincare treatments but receive as much exposure to the sun as the face. The hand treatment takes about 30 seconds per hand and delivers significant results, even after just 1 treatment.
Vaginal rejuvenation with the RejuVAnate handpiece is also available for those experiencing vaginal dryness, stress incontinence, and atrophy. Painful intercourse? Leaking after childbirth? This could be a game-changer for you.

What's the downtime?

As potentially the strongest treatment we offer, the downtime can be light to moderate. You should expect to have anywhere from 5-10 days of social downtime and healing, where the priority will be hydrating your body and your face with an occlusive ointment.
For vaginal treatments, you want to avoid sex, creams, and lubrication for 2 days before and after treatments. These treatments should only be performed if you are free from any infections, and your most recent pap was normal.

Are there lighter treatments that can give me similar results?

Yes! We have full control of the settings and can adjust them to give you a significant result with little downtime, similar to "cool peel," or we can titrate them up to provide a deep level of resurfacing.
You could also consider a Signature Resurfacing treatment that uses an erbium laser. Pricing is based on depth or treatment, time of treatment, and expected results. Pricing can be found on our booking website.



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